Press kit: From blades to skis

Here you will find images and video clips for download, as well as press contacts for the event. 

In short video clips, ranging from 1 to 3 minutes, you will find b-rolls from the making of the skis, a skiing clip, and interviews with Endre Hals, CEO of EVI ski, Arvid Lønne, chairman at Gjenkraft and Gustaf Frid, environment and sustainability specialist at Vattenfall.


For further information about the skis, please contact:
Robert Portier, media spokesperson, +31 88 098 88 88,

For further information about the event in Åre, please contact:
Heidi Stenström, press officer, +46 70 611 81 92,

See also

Woman sitting at desk looking into camera

Vattenfall is a leading European energy company.

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We have a responsibility for our environmental and social impacts.

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