Funding and ratings

Financing strategy
Learn about our financing strategy from a credit perspective.

Programmes & credit facilities
Overview of our Euro Medium Term programme, Commercial Paper programmes and Revolving Credit facility.

Outstanding bonds
Overview of outstanding bonds, prospectuses and regulatory notices.

Green financing
Information and documents related to our green financing.

Credit ratings
Vattenfall's long term credit ratings are BBB+ stable outlook by S&P and A3 stable outlook by Moody’s.

ESG ratings
Vattenfall is assessed by several sustainability rating agencies on our environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance.

Debt maturity profile
Vattenfall minimises its funding risk through an even maturity profile in its debt portfolio and a long average remaining term.

Credit analysts
Contact details to credit analysts following the development of Vattenfall.
See also

Vattenfall has formulated a strategy to reach our goal of fossil freedom.

Our latest annual and sustainability report, interim reports and other presentations.

Contact details for the main investor relations representatives at Vattenfall.